
Feeling better about things

I've worked at the same restaurant here in New York for nearly two and a half years. In all that time, I honestly cannot recall being late for work one single time. Ever. This morning I was supposed to be there at 10:50, just like every other Monday for the past three months. I woke up this morning, rolled over, squinted my legally blind eyes, and read 11:29 on my alarm clock. Still half asleep and more than a little confused, I rolled back over and checked the clock on my cell phone. 11:31. Huh? About 10 seconds later, it hit me. FUCK. I immediately called work to tell them I'd be there ASAP, and my boss just laughed. Despite being 45 minutes late, I managed to save a little face by going from my bed to walking into the restaurant in literally five minutes. Everyone there just laughed and said good morning, and said they'd assumed I was really busy and would make it in eventually. Thanks guys. My third to last shift ever, and I was late for the first time. Blah.

Fortunately, my shift flew by, and I've been home relaxing ever since. I pick up my cap and gown tomorrow afternoon before going to work (I'm working the closing shift, so my boss' offer of a wake-up call will not be necessary). Picking up my cap and gown makes things very official in my mind. It's a good thing that I'm cool with that, otherwise I might very well be freaking out tomorrow. But no... I'm ready.

The bitch roommate that I hate came back from home today, much to my disappointment. She then announced that her roommate from last year (who no one likes) will be staying here Friday night. Friday night, you know, the night before graduation. What the fuck? Thanks for asking first... it's not like we all have our families in town or anything. Oh wait... your family won't be in town until Saturday, so you don't give a rat's ass... I forgot! Please forgive me, Princess Abigail, and don't forget to suck my balls before disappearing from my life forever. Ugh.

Steve went to the store today and bought plants and things for his house, including an outdoor garden of sorts. While I already made fun of him for being a homo over the phone, I must not forget to make fun of him when I actually see it all planted next weekend. Eh, at least he'll make a good housewife one day. Heh.

My family starts coming into town for graduation in three days, and I am not ready. I need to start going through stuff to have it ready to pack, as well as some cleaning. As excited as I am to be leaving this all behind and moving on, I admit to being a little sad that I'm moving out of my first quasi-apartment. What I will not miss, however, is constantly playing the role of nagging parent/guardian. At home, I don't need to always remind my parents to take out the trash, clean up after themselves, be mindful of others, etc. Thank sweet Jesus.

Remember that guy from DC who I hung out with back in the winter? He and I truly did have a thing for one another that never went away, but the timing was awful. I had to come back north to finish school, and his plate was full as well. Now that I'm done and heading back home, he's trying to establish something again. He knows about Steve. He asked if it was out of line for him to suggest we go out on a date. I told him a date sounds fine, but that doesn't change the fact that I am involved with someone else. He apparently can't deal with that, so who knows.

I'm Listening To: RHCP - Californication (unfortunately)
One Thing I Did Today: caught up on old times with an old fling

Monday, May. 23, 2005 at 11:48 PM

before :: after