
Almost done

It's official: only one final exam stands between me and my college degree. In less than one week, I will be a graduate. Hot damn.

In some ways, the last four years have flown by. In other ways, they've been the longest four years of my life. I'm still close to the first three people I met at this place, and sincerely hope that I'll continue to be close to everyone I've grown to love. After working at the same restaurant for nearly two and a half years, I'll have to say goodbye to my family there as well. I have mixed emotions on that, but realize that no matter what it was going to come to an end. In any case, I can't wait to be out of this state, since this has never felt like home to me. This is a mostly exciting week for me.

Steve and I continue to hit speedbumps, all of which are a result of me unfortunately, but have still managed to come out on top. He's still showing his devotion to me despite my [unintentional] reluctance, and that alone means the world to me. The icing on the cake is that my friends and family like him, and his friends and family like me. All things considered, I'm a very lucky guy.

Things with my roommates have gotten to a point where I'm comfortable leaving them. I never wanted to graduate on bad terms with any of my true friends, which includes two of my three roommates. Fortunately, I'm still very close to those two. I've never been particularly fond of number three, and I'm perfectly content with leaving it that way. We'll each go our own separate ways next weekend, and that's just fine.

One thing I'm not so happy about, though, is my seasonal allergies. Several years ago I tried the different prescription options and found that Zyrtec was the only one that helped. This year, however, Zyrtec isn't doing a damn thing. I wake up every morning with gooey eyes crusted shut, snot leeking out of my nose, and start sneezing immediately. This continues throughout the day. It's not sexy, it's been going on far too long, and it needs to stop. Now.

Still, this is my favorite time of year. I can drive with my windows down, not worry about wearing layers, wash my car whenever I feel like it, go outside for no specific reason... it's just better that way.

I'm Listening To: Muse - Stockholm Syndrome
One Thing I Did Today: woke up at 2:00 pm

Sunday, May. 22, 2005 at 8:42 PM

before :: after