
My short political bit

Dear Red person,

In the spirit of national unity, I congratulate you on a hard-fought campaign. I hope all your dreams come true:

May your job be outsourced. May your daughter be impregnated, and even in a case of rape or incest, have to abort her fetus with a clothes hanger. May your son be drafted, forcing him to come out of the closet and move to a country where he has civil rights. May one of your parents die of a degenerative illness that will be cured by stem cell research, and the other by a semi-automatic weapon for which our founding fathers fought so hard.

Especially in a time of war, we must heal the treacherous wounds that result from the airing of competing values. I hope we can join together as we march backwards on the course of freedom.

May God continue to bless America and be exploited for electoral gain.

Blue Person

I'm Listening To:
One Thing I Did Today:

Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2004 at 12:42 AM

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