
What the fuck just happened?

Okay so there's a freshman here, W, that I've been hanging out with since the beginning of the year... more so recently. He's of the homogay persuasion, and I've been experiencing mixed feelings around him ever since we met two months ago. Sometimes I'm attracted to him, and sometimes I'm annoyed by him.

We hung out Friday and Saturday night, and I offered for him to crash at my house both nights. He declined. That was fine, but gave me the impression that he wasn't interested, which was also fine. Really, I'm not *that* into him or anything.

He came over last night and we finished watching a movie. Shortly after 1:00 in the morning I said I was tired, so he left. As soon as he got back to his dorm, he IMd me and said that he doesn't know what his problem is. Apparently he likes me a lot, and gets the feeling that I like him too, but that he's never felt more intimidated by someone in his entire life. Um, what? Honestly, I don't understand how I could come across as intimidating here. I sit back, drink a few beers, and go with the flow. He's never seen my anal side, and has never seen me upset. I don't get it. It supersucks, though, because he's not the first person (in general) to tell me that I'm intimidating. Dammit, someone needs to give me some specifics so I can figure out how to stop it.

In an attempt to cease the awkwardness of our conversation, I apologized for the mixed signals, admitting that I have been a tad confused myself. I then told him (and this part is 100% true) that I need to focus entirely on school for the next few months, graduate, and get my ass back home ASAP because there's a lot of shit happening there that needs my full attention. He said he understood.

So today, between class and work, I decided to take a nap. Passed out on my bed, I woke up to someone knocking on my door. Assuming it was one of my roommates, I said to come in. The door opens, and in walks W. Whaa? He says, "I just stopped by between classes." And sits down on my bed.

Um, alright, do you not remember the awkward conversation we had late last night? Well, if I remember correctly, I ended said conversation with the declaration that I must focus on my home life and school right now, not boys. So really, I don't understand why you're here right now.

Obviously I didn't say any of that, though. I think it came out as more of a "uhhkay." I rolled back over and closed my eyes, hoping he'd take the hint and leave. I wasn't in the mood to talk to him, and besides, NO ONE messes with my naps. Am I lucky enough for him to just leave? Of course not. Instead, he turns on my tv and channel surfs before landing on some shit on the Sci-Fi channel. Okay, that's twice as insulting. I pretend to have a headache, rub my temples all the way to my bottle of Aleve and back, and he still doesn't get it. Finally I just decided I didn't care and went back to sleep. With him sitting on my bed. Watching Sci-Fi garbage.

I woke up about half an hour later, and he hadn't moved. Back to sleep.

Fifteen minutes later, I woke up to see him at my desk, on my laptop, looking through all of my folders. Um, no! Dude, that's just rude. I cough to make my awakened state known, and he doesn't budge. I say, "what are you doing?" He shrugs. Apparently it's completely normal in his world for someone to interrupt a friend's nap, turn on their tv while they try to sleep, and go through their computer without permission. At this point I was just getting pissed off, so I reminded him that he had class. "Not for another twenty minutes." UGH!

I couldn't take it anymore, so I said I had to get some work done before going to work. It took him about ten minutes to stand up and leave. I don't know what the fuck that was all about, but if it was some sort of crappy attempt at "getting closer" to me, it failed miserably.

I'm Listening To:
One Thing I Did Today:

Tuesday, Nov. 09, 2004 at 2:28 PM

before :: after