
I'm tired

With the exception of my quick jaunt to the hotel tomorrow morning to wish them a happy farewell, my family's visit this weekend is over. Phew.

I really enjoyed being able to see my mom and little siblings without the usual stress and hectic-ness of being at their house, but it's damn near impossible to relax for one second with the kids around. Seriously, I have no idea how I'll ever be able to have kids of my own. My little brothers and sister slept at my house Friday and Saturday night, which gave my mom and stepfather their first nights alone in nearly nine years. So they needed that. At one point during the weekend, one of my roommates' friend Adam came up to me and said, "Sevensurge, you're gonna make a really great dad one day. I can tell just my looking at you interact with them. They adore you." That was a sobering moment.

Perhaps it was only sobering because I was drinking myself into oblivion at the time, but that's beside the point.

The worst part of the weekend was how it affected my relationship with my roommates, which has unfortunately only gotten worse. I started noticing the division between us all a week or two ago, but now it's undenyable. One of my roommates was incredibly impatient with both of my brothers, constantly snapping orders at them, while being affectionate and sweet to my little sister. Um, do you think they don't notice? I realize they're behind where they should be for their age, which I explained to you before they arrived, but they're certainly not oblivious to the fact that you were a total bitch to them all weekend. I'm sure that makes them feel great about themselves.

Another one of my roommates is seemingly getting involved with some guy I barely know, which really isn't any of my business, but I can't help but think that it's driving us apart at the same time.

My third roommate broke my one and only rule this weekend, of all times. I told her last year that her ex-boyfriend was NEVER, EVER, EVER allowed in our house. EVER. EVER. Regardless of whether I was upstairs or 1000 miles away. EVER. EVER. I think I'm getting the message across. See, two years ago he told me his biggest secret, which, without going into the brutally disgusting details, involved him and little girls. As soon as he told me this, he threatened to kill me if I ever told anyone. Ordinarily this is a figure of speech, but not this time. He was serious. Dead serious. Since I'd like to die on my own terms, I kept my silence all this time, but in the mean time I've been telling my roommate to avoid him at all costs. Well, I finally told her his secret about three weeks ago, and she flipped out. Understandably. He doesn't go to our school this year, so I figured it would be safe to tell her.

He was back for this weekend. I didn't think it was necessary to remind her of my one and only rule.

Friday night, I saw him in our back yard. Saturday morning, there was talk of him having slept in her room the night before. Not only did that send me into a fury, I wanted to fucking kill her for doing this on the one fucking weekend my family (AND four year old sister) were in town.

So tonight I told her that I was not happy. Her response, and I quote, was "he was only in here for three minutes while I went to the bathroom and grabbed my ID." She doesn't think I know about his supposed sleeping here, but I do. And even if he didn't, I'm sorry, you knew I never wanted him within 50 feet of our house, and now you're trying to defend yourself with "it was only three minutes?" Fuck you, dude.

And to top things off, the rude-to-my-brothers roommate just walked into my room about two minutes ago, and announced her plan to adopt a full-grown cat that's been hanging out on our front porch recently. She's letting it live in our mud room, and just thought I should know. Alright, I said okay to the two kittens because I thought it'd be nice to have some playful animals around. But really, the kittens are psycho Nazis who are nothing but destructive. And now we're introducing a third cat with a collar and no front claws, but who you still believe to be homeless? You've got to be fucking kidding me.

I'll be going out in Albany this weekend for my friend's birthday. The weekend after that I'll be home, hopefully including a date with a new boy. The weekend after that will be drunk Halloween weekend. Two weekends after that will be my trip to Tampa to see my sexy friend and hopefully sleep the hell out of him. So long as I keep these things in mind, I might not go insane.

Note to fiestada and biensoul: Check your email if you haven't already. You should have a delightful message regarding Lady and the Tramp. Excellent.

I shall end this with a few things I said earlier on IM to a friend, which continue to amuse the crap out of me for some unknown reason:

sevensurge: i'm tired, horny, and frustrated. not an enjoyable combination.
sevensurge: in theory i'd be happy if i smoked a bowl, jerked off, and went to sleep
sevensurge: but i only have, like, 1/40 of weed. and am too full to jerk off. and it's too early to sleep. bah.

I'm Listening To:
One Thing I Did Today:

Sunday, Oct. 10, 2004 at 10:29 PM

before :: after