
i will NOT holler at your mobile

Wanna know the only thing that annoys me more than people putting up away messages that demand you call them?

People putting up these away messages when they're out with me. Now I'm not being greedy or claiming that I am better than everyone else, I just think it's rude to be going out to do something with one or more people and ask for the world to please call and interrupt. Am I not interesting or good enough to have your attention for the evening? Is hanging out with me really awful enough to justify the plea for others to call and break up the monotony of spending time with Sevensurge?

Honestly. It's just rude. Yes, I have a cell phone, and yes, I use it regularly, but our society has got to get off their friggin' high horse and try to think back to a time when we didn't have these things. Contrary to popular belief, we survived without cell phones! 12 year olds were able to go to soccer practice and sit on the fucking curb waiting for mom to pull up just as good back then as they do now with their cell phones!

It's all about etiquette. When I'm at work, my phone is either in my car or on vibrate. If I'm in a situation where answering a call is inappropriate, guess what... I DON'T FUCKING ANSWER IT!

When I take over the world, Cell Phone Etiquette laws will be passed ASAP.

P.S. All you motherfuckers who can't drive and talk on the phone at the same time, YOU'RE GOING TO BE SHOT IN THE FACE for pretending you're a capable driver. We all find ourselves in situations where we need undivided attention to focus on driving. Some of us are smart enough to not talk on the goddamn phone at these times, and some are not. Those that aren't will be killed. Period.

I'm Listening To:
One Thing I Did Today:

Thursday, Jul. 29, 2004 at 7:24 PM

before :: after