
It's time for a loooong wknd

I always feel bad if I don�t go do something on a weeknight while I�m home, because I feel as though I�m missing out on something. Every now and then, however, a night at home turns into the most relaxing evening on the face of the Earth. That was last night.

I got home, helped Judy trim some of the bushes in the front yard (and by �helped� I mean �stand there and talk�), then enjoyed the Red Hot & Blue dad brought home for dinner. We watched some things on TiVo together, which was nice, then I went upstairs and accidentally (isn�t it always?) passed out for two hours. When I woke up at 1:00, I panicked because I had to leave for work at 8 and wouldn�t be home again until sometime Monday. I found my suitcase duffle bag thing, threw lotsa clothes into it, talked to Justin when he got home from the concert, then went to bed.

Had my alarm set for 7:15. Woke up at 7:56. Fuck! Flew through the shower, last minute things into the suitcase, filled a glass with OJ, and flew out the door by 8:25. I am proud to say I was only five minutes late to work, and my boss wasn�t here anyway so it was all good.

Work has calmed down a lot, mainly because the submission deadline for the project I work on was yesterday. I�ve been here for two and a half hours today, and have only answered the phones a dozen times so far. This can�t happen too often, though, or else I�d die of boredom.

To make the time go by, I wrote my fourth and final status report to Katrina this morning. Once she gives me feedback on that, all I have left is my final paper, due sometime by the beginning of the semester. I also am officially two thirds done with my oceanography class, just one more paper and test to go! Whee.

Last year, when I drove to the beach right from work, I just wore my work clothes during the drive because I knew I�d have the chance to change when I got to Erik�s place. Tonight, however, I will beat Erik to Ocean City by at least two hours, probably more like three or four, and will not have access to anything other than a restaurant bathroom to change in. I figure I won�t exactly blend in with my clothes, although today is casual Friday. For this very reason I brought a change of clothes with me for the drive. I was planning on getting changed around 5 or 5:30, but I just realized that the tee shirt I brought is the one with a donkey on it and says �My other ride is your mom.� I�m thinking that it might be frowned upon by the snobs �round here, so perhaps I�ll wait until my way out.

I hope my expectations (if I even have any) for tonight aren�t too high. Justin promised to �make it up to me� tonight, whatever that means. I�m pretty sure there�s some sort of walking on the beach in store for us, which I�m all about, thus my warning to him of �walking on the beach alone at night is one of the most romantic things I can think of, so just keep that in mind.� *sigh*

I�ve somehow managed to get it in my head that this weekend is centered around Justin time, but that�s not true. It�s centered around Erik and company time, which is much different but just as awesome. I remember having a wonderfully kick-ass time last year, and this time I have an extra day to take advantage of! I�m stoked.

Today�s SQ&A: What is favorite fish & size? Fish & size.

I'm Listening To:
One Thing I Did Today:

Friday, Jul. 02, 2004 at 2:04 PM

before :: after