

Last night was interesting. I made it home by 6:30, ran inside the house just long enough to grab my movie theater gift certificates, then rushed to the mall to meet Justin. By then it was 6:50, so we had little time to eat before the 7:30 showing of Fahrenheit 9/11. We decided on Popeyes, since he�s a fan and I�ve never eaten there before. It was quite tasty, but I was practically inhaling my food since we didn�t have much time. This young girl, maybe 12 years old or so, came up to our table and rudely declared that she was hungry, and that we ought to give her some of our food. As politely as possible, I told her to fuck off. Of course she didn�t leave, she continued to stand next to our table, raise her voice, and bitch and moan about being starving, having not eaten in several days, yada yada. I told her I had worked hard for my money, bought my food myself, was about to leave, and perhaps she should use some manners when trying to pimp something off strangers. God.

We hauled ass to the theater, only to find the 7:30 show sold out. This was the only theater in all of Howard county to show the film, since it�s �controversial� and all. A woman in her mid-late 30s was also bummed about it being sold out, so the three of us stood around for 10 minutes or so and talked about the movie and all that. She was nice, I liked her. She ended up buying tickets to the 10:15 show and shopping until then, thanks to my wonderful advice. Justin had to get home earlier than that, so we went back to my house and chilled there for the night.

I�m super excited because I finally got in touch with Erik last night, and I am going to Ocean City this weekend! He and Angela won�t be leaving Clarksville until about 8:00 Friday night, so offered for me to ride down with them. I�m thinking of leaving straight from work at 6:00, though, since I�m not far from Annapolis. I�d get there a few hours before them, but the plan is to pick up Justin who will already be there and do something with him for a while. Regardless, I�m stoked about my long weekend at the beach.

Also excited about seeing Tiffany and Dawn after work today. I haven�t seen Dawn all summer, and have only Tiffany once since I�ve been home. We might go birthday shopping for Raji, who turns 21 on Friday. Exciting times, indeed.

Today�s SQ&A: How far can Spike run into the woods? None, he�s dead.

I'm Listening To:
One Thing I Did Today:

Tuesday, Jun. 29, 2004 at 3:27 PM

before :: after