

Yesterday was a good day. I didn�t have trouble staying awake at work, and though I wasn�t able to get away from my desk for lunch, that means I got paid overtime. That�s what I�m talkin� about.

My parents went to see Simon and Garfunkel last night in Baltimore, so Justin came over and I dragged him to Clarksville so I could get gas and grab dinner at Chicken Out.

Once we got back to my house, the party was immediately relocated to� my bed. And what a party it was! Now, I�ve always been curious about the use of ice in romantic/erotic situations. I�ve heard things, but have never actually done anything about it. Until last night. The only downside, and I do mean only, is the soaking wet sheets afterward. Water dries, no big deal.

After the Great Clothing Search �04, he was able to escape my clutches and go home for the night. I tried studying for my oceanography test, but it just didn�t happen. I have to take it tomorrow right after work, so the plan is to study at lunch today and all tonight. Summer classes fucking suck.

I really need to make it up to mom�s soon, and I just don�t know when it�s gonna happen. This weekend�s not good, since Justin�s parents will be in Ocean City, and I will be invading their house. Next weekend perhaps? I had a dream about her and the kids last night, so really, it�s time to visit.

Talked to Erin last night. She�s leaving Florida in two weeks and never going back. Driving up to Philadelphia for good. Stopping to visit me on the way if the timing works out. I guess this is a good thing. She�ll be closer to pretty much everything, including myself and her parents, and the new guy she�s interested in. Unfortunately I won�t be able to visit her in Florida anymore. Now I have no choice but to visit Jason in Tampa. I like me some Florida.

Today�s SQ&A: Do I like the Weather Channel? Yes.

I'm Listening To:
One Thing I Did Today:

Tuesday, Jun. 15, 2004 at 1:45 PM

before :: after