
The obligatory monthly entry

Okay so apparently I'm on track to update once a month. Eh, that works for now.

Apologies to Devian for leaving him hanging.

I've been busy at training all month, but it finally ended today. July was really my first month of actually getting out there and selling real estate, and my production for the month ended up totalling over $1 million. Not a bad way to start off on my own, but I'm pretty uncertain about whatever is next. We'll see, and in any case, my income from July will last for months if I need it to. I set up original goals when I got into the industry, and I've already managed to meet 1/3 of my first-year goal in just one month.

Still need to sell my old car. Bah.

This month I am taking a trip to Buffalo to see Steve, and we're driving to Cleveland to see a 311 show. I'm really excited. Next month is a planned trip to an amusement park with fiestada and biensoul, a few big real estate conferences, and at the end of the month Steve and a friend of his are flying down for an Orioles/Red Sox game. The Orioles have pretty much solidified over the past two weeks that they're going absolutely nowhere this season, so I will most likely be cheering for the Sox because I hate the Yankees.

A New York reunion is in the works for sometime in October, so I have that to look forward to as well. My best friend is spending the next month in India, and is then immediately moving to Chicago for an indefinite period of time. Lame, but at least we'll get a road trip or two out of the deal.

Alright, TiVo calls.

I'm Listening To: Something godawful by U2. I hate U2.
One Thing I Did Today: Had the absolute worst Pizza Hut experience ever.

Monday, Aug. 01, 2005 at 11:37 PM

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