
Move it on over, prior swoonee

I've been swooning all day. So much so that it's probably not healthy. But I deserve to feel this way. So I'm gonna continue. Don't wanna get my hopes too high, though, so let's just leave it at that for now.

Devian is my new best online friend. If you're not already a fan, you should be.

Our new dryer was delivered today. I was really excited about that until I came home and went to the basement to see it and discovered that.... the delivery guys "fixed" our washing machine, so it's back up to $1 and the door we broke to gain access to reprogram it was replaced. Dammit.

My sadness didn't last too long, though, since as soon as one of my roommates got home, we both angrily stormed downstairs with a hammer and un-fixed it again. Free laundry for the world! Well, free washing and $1 drying! Hey, it's better than no dryer at all.

Last night I saw a picture of a guy online with cornrows, but his hair was obviously not too long, so it gave me an idea. I asked one of my roommates if she thought my hair was long enough for cornrows, she said it probably was, and offered to try it out. Sweet. I sat in the living room playing Ms. PacMan while she cornrowed me. Needless to say the final result wasn't what I expected, since my hair apparently isn't *quite* long enough, but it was damn cool regardless. I wore my semi-cornrow-wannabes all day, and got a few comments. Took 'em out tonight though, so I can wash my hair tomorrow. I currently have this crazy jagged afro thing goin. Pretty sexy.

All this writing is distracting me from the aforementioned swooning, so I must stop now.

I'm Listening To:
One Thing I Did Today:

Thursday, Oct. 14, 2004 at 12:16 AM

before :: after