
Bitch, stay off that blow

I'm getting worried. I still haven't seen J in almost two weeks. He says that's due to a combination of him being busy and a lack of participation on my part. I think that's more of an excuse for himself than me, but am not sure.

There's a chance that I'll see him tonight. We've been discussing things, and making some progress I guess, but nothing major. I want to work on things. He wants to stop dwelling on the negative and focus on the positive. He has a point, but then we'll never get anywhere.

If I do see him tonight, I'm afraid I'll kiss him and find myself lost all over again. I know biensoul is right, but my heart just can't seem to agree.

This is lame with a capital L.

I'm Listening To:
One Thing I Did Today:

Wednesday, Aug. 11, 2004 at 8:05 PM

before :: after