
Well then...

I sure hope fiestada is all settled in her home sweet home.

I also hope devian continues to sweep me off my internet feet.

Jim and I went to lunch together today. He needed to get gas, so I guided him to the closest gas station. He got out to pump while I was on the phone with a friend from school. After I hung up, he opened the driver's door and stuck his head in. "You would NOT believe what that black guy over there is saying! He's talking to this other guy about how hard it is to be black in this society, but that they'll survive because they survived slavery. God, they're all alike. Bitching about everything and acting like we owe them something, when all they do is sit around and collect government money."

To say that I was speechless would be a gross understatement. I think my jaw was still on my lap when he closed the door to go finish pumping gas. Well then. Apparently the object of my affection is a racist asshole who thinks all black people are the same welfare-collectors. Needless to say, my desire to be near him came to a screeching halt right then and there.

I told one of my roommates about the situation, and she responded, "wait a minute, he's a racist gay kid? Wow." Unfortunately, it's not as uncommon as a lot of people think. I once met a guy online from California. I'm not sure how/why he got my info, but he did, so we would always chat while I was at work a few summers ago. He was a good-looking guy living in San Diego, so naturally I expected a certain amount of assholery. Months later, the subject of race somehow came up. I don't remember the exact chain of events, but his true feelings quickly became apparent. When I told him that I disagreed with his racist feelings and thoughts, and requested that he stop speaking to me, he started calling me unsavory names and threatening me. Several death threats were received, threatening phone calls were received both on my cell and school phones, he somehow found out where I lived and told me he'd be flying out to slice my throat, etc etc. I tried to act calmly throughout the entire thing, but sweet jesus, I had an attractive 22 year old homo from San Diego threatening to cut my head off simply because I'm a "nigger lover." I never saw that coming.

So yeah. I shuddered when Jim said those things today, and I don't think I'll be talking to him much anymore.

I'm Listening To:
One Thing I Did Today:

Monday, Jan. 24, 2005 at 8:10 PM

before :: after